This web site is meant for family, friends, students, and colleagues. My hope is to keep in contact with all of these important people while I teach English.
Through happenstance and some luck, plus a connection with and mentoring by a few friends, I am starting my ninth year teaching.
Teaching English allows me to learn something new everyday, as well as share my language and culture with others. It's a difficult job to do well!
As of Fall 2015 I am learning another language and experiencing culture shock, frustration, and amazement, just as the students I've worked with, experience everyday. It is both exciting and frightening! I am currently an English Language Fellow in Mongolia.
Disclaimer: “This website is not an official U.S. Department of State website. The views and information presented are the English Language Fellows’ own and do not represent the English Language Fellow Program or the U.S. Department of State.&rdquot;